Holy Week 2018 at Holy Saviour Croydon

Friday, 30 March – Good Friday

Our first! Quiet lunch between the services that day. We ate together in fellowship, chatting gently and reflecting.

Our first! Bread-making workshop, led by Doreen & Martin. Fresh bread rolls were produced and shared with many at lunchtime.

Children’s Creative Workshop, led by Michael & Beverley. They made a colourful banner, ready for Easter day.

Stations of the Cross Service, led by Mitzi, Lilian & Dan. A popular but serious service, where members of the congregation move around the church, visiting 14 ‘stations’ which are pictures of Jesus’s journey to the Cross.

Wednesday, 28 March – Agape Meal

Amongst others below are Martin, Earl & Ceilidh at the Agape meal, a bring & share Mediterranean style meal within an informal service in the Church Sanctuary. This is something early Christian did.

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